
Blog #2- 1/19/23


ARTH 260R: One Florentine Thing Timeline

Favorite Proposed Assignments

I would love to do an oral history assignment. My thoughts on how to go about an oral history assignment would be to either lead an oral history interview, maybe look at the guidelines outlined by the Library of Congress on how to conduct said interview. Another way to do this assignment could be to look at oral history archives and maybe analyze one of our choosing. Out of the assignments proposed by the class, my favorite two are taking an old form of communication and modifying it into modern-day form. I feel like that assignment can be done in multiple ways, from writing a descriptive short essay to displaying a 3D model of the technology and how it would be modified. Other methods could be what was listed as examples such as radio being turned into a podcast series. I also like the idea of helping out with the alumni display. Furthermore, not to be biased towards myself but I would really like to do the advertisement idea. For the advertisement idea, it would consist of looking at advertisements during the time a piece of technology was created. Then after seeing how that form of technology was advertised we would come up with our own physical or online advertisement of the technology and write a short reflection as to our design process.

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