
Blog #6- 2/16/22

The Postal System before and during the American Revolution

Infographic: Click here

For the infographic assignment, I chose to do the Postal System leading up to and during the American Revolutionary War. I mainly chose this topic due to my interest in the role it played when it came to spy work during this time. However, I did not want to solely focus on how it was used in spy rings, since that seemed a bit off-topic. Therefore, I settled on going broader to discuss its origin and how it aided in the war effort overall. I knew Benjamin Franklin had much to do with its founding, but I definitely found the way the system was formed by him interesting since it was initially created for the Crown’s postal system. I decided to organize my infographic chronologically and format it to appear like a letter with postage and an opened wax seal.

Works Cited

Gavin, Alison M. “In the King’s Service: Hugh Finlay and the Postal System in Colonial America.” Prologue Magazine 41, no. 2 (2009):,by%20Christmas%20of%20that%20year.&text=Franklin%20often%20gets%20credit%20for,service%20along%20the%20eastern%20seaboard

Kiger, Patrick J. “How Ben Franklin Established the US Post Office.” History Channel, August 10, 2020.

McClymer, John. “Getting the Word Out: Franklin’s Postal Revolution.” E Pluribus Unum. National Endowment for the Humanities. Accessed February 16, 2023,

Schurr, Cathleen. “The History of the US Postal Service — And That Time Someone Sent Their Kid Through the Mail.” Historynet, August 19, 1997.,between%20soldiers%20and%20their%20families

“Spy Techniques of the Revolutionary War.” Mount Vernon. Accessed February 16, 2023.

One reply on “Blog #6- 2/16/22”

I love this design and it is really informative. I like where you went with the topic and how you were able to include a little about the postal service uses in spy work but covered other parts of your topic as well.

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